Tiggi and her guide dog Jackie set off three years ago to record stories from a rural village.  Many said this wouldn’t work. How very wrong they were.

As a special guest on BBC Radio 4 and other media platforms, growing an international following, the proof is in the listening.  Tiggi is convinced she has only scratched the surface of what is possible.

50 episodes on, and now with a production team of six. Celebrate with us and listen to a compilation of favourite clips selected by the Draycott Diaries team. With such a girth of Life Stories and Documentaries, it was a tough choice. We are very proud to have achieved such a powerful audible account from one community. Especially in light of pandemics and current world unrest, coming together has never been more important.

Learning a new craft is never easy. Tiggi and Rob, as the Producer and Series Editor, kick off the show chatting about the ups and downs of making a Podcast. Especially as all face to face contact stopped for over a year during COVID-19 restrictions.  How the team battled forward adopting new ways to produce the Diaries remotely.

Join us on our journey looking back over the last three years and what’s next on the horizon for Draycott Diaries.

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